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Our new website is all about you

Yes, we’ve been working really, really hard behind the scenes to bring you a brand new BrandPost website. But our key motivation in doing this, is to make your shopping experience so much easier.

For example, even though BrandPost offers a wide range of products, a core offering revolves around printer inks and toners. And when you dive into the complexities of matching cartridges to printers etc. you really do need some good search tools to help.

With all of this in mind, the ‘Search’ function in our new site is geared to take you straight to what you want if you enter the right reference. Or, you can use the ‘Catalogue’ menu to click and follow your categories. Or, you can click and follow categories using the range sliders on selected pages.

And if you’re a current customer, your own ‘account’ area (behind the ‘Log in’) carries a record of your past purchases and a ‘re-order’ function to make things very easy indeed for getting replacements.

In all, we invite you to spend time to familiarize yourself with the new site… and to bookmark it for quick and easy processing of your orders.

Having said all this, please don’t forget that BrandPost have a stunningly good Call-Centre. Even though the website is now geared to be more helpful than ever before, we still want to hear from you – even if it’s just to say hi!